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What Happens After
The State Exam?




After the exam, the Test Administrator ships everything back to CPS in Sacramento for processing.

CPS will enter the applications into their system and score the answer sheets. Result letters or emails will be generated and sent to the candidates in approximately 15-20 business days after the State Exam. Students may view their results at CPS will send the applications of candidates who have passed the State exam to the Secretary of State on the same day that CPS sends the result letters to the candidates.

A score of 70% or better is a passing grade.

Do NOT call CPS or Duane Gomer Seminars for your test results.

Candidates will not receive results any earlier than noted above; results are NOT provided over the phone.

For more information, please review their FAQ's at



Form SOS/NP-30 Notary Public Application

SOS/NP-30 (REV 02/2024) is a downloadable document available from

Follow the instructions as outlined on pages 2 and 3 of the document.

All applicants must have fingerprints taken at a "live scan" location before a notary public commission can be issued.

The Secretary of State is no longer including the "REQUEST FOR LIVE SCAN SERVICE" Application Submission form ("SOS/BCII 8016 (orig. 4/01; rev. 9/16)") with your notice that you passed the State Exam. You must download the "LiveScan" Document from the Secretary of States' website. That link is provided below:

Applicants who pass the State exam will be sent detail instructions concerning fingerprinting and completing a background check. Instructions are also provided on the PDF document that you can download at the above link. You must take the "REQUEST FOR LIVE SCAN SERVICE" form to the Live Scan facility.

Those candidates that pass the required background check will be notified by U.S. Mail with the official Commission Packet. See THE COMMISSION PACKET below for more information.



Should an applicant not pass the State Notary Public exam, revisit the CPS web site to register for another State Exam.

Take the State Exam Failure Notice with you to the exam site along with a check in the amount of $20.00, made payable to the The Secretary of State.

Candidates can test ONLY one time per calendar month. If the exam is taken more than once in the same month, the second exam results will be discarded and any fees paid will be forfeited.




A Commission Packet will be mailed from the Secretary of State's Office, Notary Public Section, once the application has been approved and the background check is completed.

The Commission Packet will consist of:

  • A cover letter with instructions

  • Filing instructions

  • Your commission certificate

  • Two Notary Public Oath and Certificate of Filing forms

  • A Certificate of Authorization to Manufacture Notary Public Seals

  • A list of Authorized Manufacturers of Notary Public Seals

Within 30 days of the postmark on the Commission Packet envelope, you must post a $15,000 Surety Bond (Cost: approximately $40 and valid for 4 years) and your Oath with your County Clerk, and order your materials. Should you fail to complete these steps within the 30-day time allotment your Commission will be considered expired and you will have to start the entire process all over again.

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