Form SOS/NP-30 Notary Public Application
SOS/NP-30 (REV 02/2024) is a downloadable document available from
Follow the instructions as outlined on pages 2 and 3 of the document.
All applicants must have fingerprints
taken at a "live scan" location before a notary public commission can
be issued.
The Secretary of State is no longer including the "REQUEST FOR LIVE
SCAN SERVICE" Application Submission form ("SOS/BCII 8016 (orig. 4/01; rev. 9/16)")
with your notice that you passed the State Exam. You must download the
"LiveScan" Document from the Secretary of States' website. That link
is provided below:
Applicants who pass the State exam will be sent detail instructions concerning
fingerprinting and completing a background check. Instructions are also provided on
the PDF document that you can download at the above link. You must take the
"REQUEST FOR LIVE SCAN SERVICE" form to the Live Scan facility.
Those candidates that pass the required background check will be notified by
U.S. Mail with the official Commission Packet. See THE COMMISSION PACKET below
for more information.